This series of videos will serve as an introduction to the R statistics language, targeted at economists.
In this video, I cover the basics of panel data using library(plm), pdata.frame()s, and performing fixed effects, random effects, and first-difference regressions with plm(), as well as the Hausman test (phtest()).
The Heiss textbook section mentioned in the video can be found at
Download the code from all my R videos at once at
You can find links to every video in the series here:
There are videos on: [BASIC] Getting Started, Getting Help, Objectives and Variables, Vectors and Matrices, Data Frames, Packages, Summary Statistics (of One and Two Variables), Plots and Graphs, and Linear Regression (OLS), [MODERATE] Regression Formulas, Robust or Clustered Standard Errors and Post-Regression Stats, Regression Plots, Instrumental Variables (IV Regression), Time Series, ARIMA and ARMA, Probit and Logit, Tobit and Heckman, Panel Data, and Missing Data, and [ADVANCED] Simulations, The Tidyverse, Reshape and Join/Merge, dplyr (Introduction, Piping, and Grouping), ggplot (Introduction, Geometries, Overlaid and Grouped Plots, and Titles and Labels), and vtable