I have had so much fun making this project and thinking of a way to make those flowers POP in the new Blossoms in Bloom Suite. Subscribe to our newsletter updates here - http://eepurl.com/txfKP Let me know what you think of this technique but I am REALLY excited as you can tell. hahahaha. In colour club - http://eepurl.com/g3SV5b #loveitchopit club - http://eepurl.com/g4fA8D Ink Pad Club - http://eepurl.com/dwJaEb Marker Club - http://eepurl.com/dwIje9 Blends Club - http://eepurl.com/dbITBb OTHER LINKS Card Templates link - http://bit.ly/KyliesCardTemplatesTutorialPDF Join my Stampin’ Up!® Team - http://bit.ly/joinStampinUp Shop in my Stampin’ Up!® store - http://bit.ly/SUorderonline #loveitchopit Facebook Group - http://eepurl.com/dkJTi9 Our monthly Tutorial Bundles (12 AMAZING tutorials) - http://bit.ly/AllStarTutorialBundlesFeb-July2019 Check out my blog - https://www.kyliebertucci.com/ Subscribe to my blog by email - http://bit.ly/kyliesblogsubscription Sign up for my newsletter - http://eepurl.com/txfKP Kylie’s Online courses for Demonstrators - https://kyliebertuccionlinecourses.teachable.com/ #stampinup #cardmaking #handmadecard #rubberstamps #stamping #kyliebertucci #makeacardsendacard #randomactsofkindness #loveitchopit #loveitchopittopieces #craftwithpurpose