This time Paquito will share with us his knowledge about the clarinets, performance tips, instruments and mouthpiece references and the history behind his instruments collection.
The liquorice Stick, or “El Palo Prieto” in Spanish, is the way that with a mixture of humor and respect saxophonists often called the clarinet, an instrument that, by complicated and unpredictable, inspires them with some unease and in many cases even rejection. The popularity of the soprano saxophone in the 1960s, thanks mainly to John Coltrane, served as a relieve for many saxophonists, who were spared from the clarinet, which Frank Wess jokingly claimed was "invented by five men who never met."
Paquito D’Rivera
El Palo Prieto, o “Liquorice Stick”en Inglés, es como con una mezcla de humor y respeto suelen llamar los saxofonistas al clarinete, un instrumento que por complicado e impredecible, les inspira cierto temor y en muchos casos hasta rechazo. La popularidad que adquirió el saxofón soprano en los sesentas, gracias principalmente a John Coltrane, sirvió de respiro a los saxofonistas, que se vieron librados del clarinete, al que Frank Wess afirmaba jocosamente que “fue inventado por 5 hombres que jamás se conocieron”.
Paquito D’Rivera
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