Paraset, Paraset replica , Paraset made from what was here ,
This is a paraset inspired (spy radio ) not a perfect replica they were parchuted into Europe during World war 2 behind the lines for use by Allied agents .This one was made out of what I have on hand in the junk box here .The project was something to do while quarantined . I mention in the video where some of the parts were purchased they were purchased most of them years ago at hamfests some parts like the aluminum angle were purchased at the big box hardware stores. the whole thing started 2 years ago when I spotted a really nice wooden box at a resale shop in Mishawaka Indiana I looked at it and thought I could build a paraset replica sort of in that box .
The schematic I used may be found at
The chassis plate is an old 2007 boat license plate . many parts have been substituted the .002 capacitors in the schematic are subbed with .01 uf at 1 kv disk ceramic . The 2 uf capacitors are subbed with 10 UF units at 450 volts . I made an error in the video describing the toroidal output transformer for the 6v6 tube . The transmit 6V6 tube has a toroid output transformer wound with 32 turns much smaller and easier to make it is a red marked core good to 30 MHZ with a 3/8ths inch diameter hole and outer size is 3/4 of an inch it is wound with # 26 insulated wire you could use different wire such as enamelled wire and it could be #24 wire or #28 wire . the band switches and TX /RX switch are all miniature toggle switches all are spst except the TX/RX switch which is a DPDT ... The tuning capacitor is an old trimmer /padder capacitor from an old car radio it had a shaft on it already if it did not work I was going to make one out of a trimmer capacitor without a shaft by grinding the screw head flat and soldering a little piece of 1/4 inch shaft to the screw head . This type capacitor works really well it gives you like a high ratio gear reduction making for good band spread and I was able to make marks on the chassis plate for the crystal frequencies I have.
I think it works every bit as good as the original type rim drive dial . I like to re-purpose things and so used a bread pan for the power supply chassis and an old aluminum license plate for the chassis plate .
hope this video helps some for you guys building Parasets Everyone KEEP HEALTHY and 73 Bob