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Some Selected Feedbacks:
-Maya Jane Coles "Yeah happy to see the release of this killer ep"
-Reboot "No word to complain!"
-Joris Voorn "Dissolute rocks my socks!"
-Davide Squillace "nice one guys"
-Gregor Tresher "Paride delivers the good stuff again and again at the moment - great EP!"
-Anja Schneider "and another good one ! thxx for the msuic."
-Dubfire "thanks!!"
-Karotte "big fan of paride. great tracks again. nothing more to say:-)"
-2000 And One "Very cool tunes:)"
-Pirupa "great ep...will play!"
-Noir "Great tech house tunes."
-Gel Abril "wicked tracks full support!"
-DJ Chus "Amazing! we really love Dissolute :)"
-Tiefschwarz (Ali) "great release. thanks a lot."
-Basement Jaxx "will play n see"
-Kaiserdisco "Dissolute is great and the other tracks are good as well. thx"
-Gary Beck "dissolute is a really lovely track, nice ep overall"
-Xpress2 "Dissolute is the killer cut"
-Sante' "snatch is on fire! words is my pick here"
-Supernova "Nice one, let's go Paride ;)"
-Mauro Picotto "great stuff"
-Roger Sanchez "turn on is the one but the entire ep is solid!"
-Tim Green "yeah liking dissolute for sure!!"
-Justin Martin "its a beauty! i definitely owe you a pizza for this one:)"
-Hector Romero "Serious grooves going on here - I'm feeling this EP"
-Makossa "words for me"
-Martin Eyerer "very driving!"
-Hannah Holland "sick groove"
-Uto Karem "another quality release form paride, good work!"
-Okain "the 3 tracks are ace. Snatch is unstoppable at the moment"
-David Keno "dissolute is nice."
-Joyce Muniz "words is dope !"
-Ruben Mandolini "all tracks rock! words my fav!
-Jewel Kid "great release, dissolute is my pick"
-Danny Serrano "good stuff! will play thanks!"
-Marco Resmann "Words is my favourite here. Looking forward to try it out this weekend. Thanks"
-Wehbba "juicy! love this whole thing."
-Hermanez "thanks, great stuff as always, will play it load !"
-AFFKT "another huge release! thanks"
-Sasha Carassi "Very nice!Full support!"
-Nikola Gala "Very Cool tracks ! thanks."
-Gramophonedzie "Oh yes! That track! This one is gonna be big! Dissolute is absolute pleasure!"
-Robert Owens "Great tracks"
-Thomas Schumacher "Excellent music. Will be featured in my radioshow and of course played out."
-Ralf Kollman "i am a big fan of the label!"
-Samuel Bailey (BBC Radio1) "quality!"
-Jaymo (BBC Radio1) "Dope!"
-Bruno Dietel (Radio Fritz) "support for dissolute!"
-Colin Perkins (Spin 1038) "Very big EP"
-Greg Fenton (DMC Mag) "good track"
-Ludovic Rambaud (DJ Mag France) "reviewed in DJ MAG France"
-Scanmode (DJ Mag Spain) "nice yeah"
-Victor (DJ Mag Spain) "Great work here. Dissolute is great, but I have a soft spot for spoken word tracks, so words is my pick."
-Adam (DJ Mag Australia) "Solid!"
-Benoit (Tsugi Mag) "dissolute is cool"