About once a month we have to trim Soleil & Ophelia's toenails, Ophelia's beak, and shape Soleil's beak since she has mild cross-beak. Soleil takes it like a champ, but Ophelia is the biggest baby in the world, you'd think she's being eaten listening to her. This is stressful for them, but much less so than having to go to the vet to have it done. It doesn't hurt unless we mess up, but we've gotten pretty good at it by now and the flashlight and sunglasses method helps a lot.
Apollo is our talking African Grey parrot, that we've had since December 2020.
Follow us to see what happens when you raise a talking parrot as a human!
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00:00:00 Soleil's Beak Shaping
00:01:34 Soleil's Toenail Trim
00:03:35 Apollo Tries To Help
00:05:35 Ophelia's Turn
00:06:59 Ophelia's Such a Baby
00:07:25 Ophelia's Toenail Trim