This is Part 2 of the RV Diesel Heater 6 month review/upgrade. Link to Part 1 video:
Link to original install video back in the fall of 2022:
Hi everyone,
In this video, I'm going to be giving you a 6 month review of my Chinese diesel heater that I've been using over this past winter. I've been really happy with it, so I wanted to share my experience with you.
I bought this heater because I travel to cooler climates in the fall/winter and was burning through propane very quickly. This heater has been perfect for me. It heats up my Travel Trailer really quickly, and it keeps it warm all night long. I was also looking for something a little more efficient so I can experience real winter camping and not a "Florida" winter!
I've also been really happy with the fuel efficiency of this heater. It uses very little diesel fuel, I mainly run it on low and one gallon lasts me a couple days.
Overall, I've been really happy with this Chinese diesel heater. It's a great heater, and it's very affordable. If you're looking for a heater to heat up your van or RV, I highly recommend this one.
After using the heater for a few months and reading the comments and suggestions left by you the viewer, in this 2 part video we are going to upgrade and make some modifications.
I'm really happy with the way this heater has turned out. It's a great heater, and it's been a lifesaver for me in the winter. If you're looking for a heater to heat up your van or RV, I highly recommend this one.
Thanks for watching! I hope this video was helpful. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below.
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