Welcome back to my Competitive Smash Player's Guide to Rivals! If you haven't seen the previous parts of this series and would like to learn more about the game, check out the series playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYJbQDIW6wqJHKOUWzkxiGcKPKbaqbXlh
In this installment, we'll be going over every character in the roster and providing a primer on how they play to help you get an idea of who you might want to main!
0:00 - Intro
2:09 - Zetterburn
3:42 - Orcane
5:22 - Wrastor
6:59 - Kragg
8:45 - Forsburn
10:30 - Maypul
12:08 - Absa
13:49 - Etalus
15:39 - Ranno
17:24 - Clairen
19:12 - Sylvanos
21:08 - Elliana
23:08 - Ori
25:03 - Shovel Knight
26:49 - The Workshop Newcomers
27:28 - Mollo
28:50 - Hodan
30:26 - Pomme
31:56 - Olympia
33:26 - Outro / Credits
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Sawtooooth
Thumbnails by Pantch: https://twitter.com/PantchToGo
Learn more about Rivals of Aether at https://rivalsofaether.com/