(Part2/ Talks Only) Good Vibes Only with XODIAC I KBS WORLD Radio 241230
On this week's Good Vibes Only, we're joined by members Zayyan and Sing of the global boy group XODIAC! They're already acquaintances of Xander, so their vibes already match :) They're missing some members so the song introduction didn't go as expected...but what matters is that they're all good songs! Want to know what hobbies they have and what concept they'd like to try next? Tune in to find out!
이번주 Good Vibes Only 초대손님은 글로벌 보이그룹 소디엑의 자얀, 씽과 함께합니다! 산더와 이미 친분이 있는 멤버들이라 토크가 찰떡궁합! 노래 소개 멤버가 없어서 노래 소개는 생각대로 되지 않았지만... 중요한 건 노래가 다 좋다는 거죠! 자얀과 씽이 평소 어떤 취미를 가지고 있는지, 앞으로 꼭 해보고 싶은 컨셉이 뭔지 궁금하다면? 끝까지 시청해 주세요~!
프로그램 설명 : Two wondrous hours of K-pop music presented to the world by special DJ Xander & friends, Monday through Friday.
Host : 알렉산더 (Xander) of UKISS
Guest for [Good Vibes Only] : Zayyan, Sing of XODIAC
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