#甲洞卫星市夜市 Pasar Malam Kepong Baru:
地址 Address: 2766, Jalan Mergastua, Kepong Baru, 52100 Kuala Lumpur.
营业时间 Hours: 只在星期天 5-10pm on Sunday only.
#甲洞 #kepong #吉隆坡美食
大马食游记 @myfoodadventure
◼︎ 免责说明:
• 此YouTube频道是纪录关于我们在马来西亚各地区行走吃喝的经历。
• 此频道不是一个权威的 "美食频道",也不是一个明确的大马美食指南,只是普通人分享一路走来的在外饮食经验和遭遇。
• 喜欢和支持此频道的朋友们请按赞、订阅、分享及开启小铃铛,多谢大家的支持。感恩!
◼︎ Disclaimer:
• This YouTube channel documents our visiting and eating experiences throughout Malaysia.
• This channel is not an authoritative "food channel," nor is it a definitive guide to Malaysian cuisine, but simply a way to share experiences and encounters with eating out along the way.
• Please "like, subscribe, share and turn on the little bell," thanks.