The Unwavering Faith of Hazrat Armia (AS): A Story of Courage and Conviction | Molana Sheikh Idrees Sahib's Pashto Bayan
Watch this inspiring Pashto bayan by Molana Sheikh Idrees Sahib as he recounts the remarkable story of Hazrat Armia (AS), a devoted companion of the Prophet Ibrahim (AS).
Discover how Hazrat Armia (AS) stood firm in his faith, despite facing intense persecution and hardship, and how his unwavering conviction ultimately earned him a place among the righteous.
Molana Sheikh Idrees Sahib's engaging narration highlights valuable lessons about the importance of steadfastness, trust in Allah, and the rewards of unwavering faith.
دہ یو کفن چور سڑی عبرتناکہ واقعہ
یوی جینئ سلو سڑو سرہ زینہ واقعہ
امام ابو حنیفہ دہ یو شاگرد عبرتناکہ واقعہ
جنت حوشالو بارہ کے عبرتناک بیان
#MolanaSheikhIdreesSahib #HazratArmiaAS #PashtoBayan #IslamicHistory #InspiringStory