Hi Jewels ! Welcome to my channel my name is Diamond. In this video I surprised my boyfriend with a fun trip tooo… Watch and see lol. Anyways if you’d like a detailed video on where we stayed and an inteinary just let me know ✨.
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⭐️Coming soon ⭐️:
Escape to Jamaica Girl’s ONLY ~ Steal my Jamaica Itinerary for groups or couples.
Socials ❤︎ :
Instagram: Jewelscouture_
TikTok: Jewelscouture_
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#birthdaycelebration #surprisetrip #Boyfriendsurprisereaction #romanticgetaways #couplescomedy #dreamvacation #giftsforhim #heartwarming #pricelessreactions
#romantictravel #tripideas #giftsforher #surprisedate #dreamvacation #tulum #mexico #hilton #allinclusivehotel #weekendvibes #birthdaytrip