Path of Soil in a Soil Testing Lab
Professor DeBacco
Here you will see a step by step process soil takes through the University of Connecticut Soil Lab.
Thanks Dawn!
Basic Process
Receiving *remember your paperwork!*
This is where the soils are first processed in the lab
Paperwork and payment is typically checked
Samples are initially dried and while growers should not be sending wet samples, this allows for a consistent moisture level for all samples
This will screen out larger material to allow for consistent particle size of the actual soil to be processed.
Sub sampling
Of the sample provided a consistent volume will be removed to continue the analysis process
Running the ICP (Inductively Coupled Plasma)
Extremely high heat (8000degrees-C) causes elements to become thermally excited and emit light which the intensity is measured
Organic Matter (LOI)
Sample needs to be burned to determine organic and mineral content
Sand Silt and Clay
The particle composition can be important in some applications
Separate test to determine the concentration of hydrogen ions in solution
Run on a sperate machine
Report is end result
Final results are compiled and recommendations are provided based on the crop selected
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