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Pathfinder's new RUNESMITH class is D&D's Rune Knight but better. I talk PF's new design direction!

The Rules Lawyer 19,355 3 months ago
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It's reminiscent of D&D's Rune Knight fighter subclass, but more flexible and fun of course ;) From Paizo: "The RUNESMITH is equal parts scholar, artist, and warrior, supporting themself and their allies with runes of every magical tradition. Runesmiths can apply these mystical symbols to their weapons or their allies’ gear for support—or directly onto enemies with brush or hammer alike—and then call their runes’ names to invoke their power!" Pathfinder playtest at: My Reddit post "The exemplar, the kineticist, "spellcasting" without spell slots, and the continuing influence of D&D 4e" 0:00 Intro 2:34 Runes, class features 9:27 Runes 18:50 Interesting decisions 19:38 Feats 27:16 Final Thoughts, and PF2e's new direction ============================= LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! I'm a lawyer who teaches and runs tabletop RPGs (Pathfinder, D&D, Starfinder) for kids, teens, and adults, and making videos related to TTRPGs and board games. JOIN MY DISCORD to chat with our community and/or try the Pathfinder Beginner Box or our drop-in PF2e play system! SUPPORT MY PATREON for early access to many of my videos and access to exclusive content, and to support me! I do unpaid public-interest legal work and rely on the Patreon and private GMing. For PF2E actual plays, SUBSCRIBE to my other channel, "RULES LAWYER DISCORD COMMUNITY CHANNEL": Follow me on BLUESKY: Pick up your Pathfinder 2e book on Amazon using my affiliate links below. As an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases which helps me continue doing what I love! PF2 Player Core: PF2 GM Core: PF2 Monster Core: PF2 Player Core 2: PF2 Beginner Box: I have a policy of not taking sponsorships. I appreciate all the offers, but I will not accept them! Check out my channel on popular media (TV, movies, music), RONALD OFF THE RECORD!
