Ruqia, a nomadic mother living in dire conditions of homelessness with her two children, is a story full of hope and struggle. After being evicted from her land and unable to pay the full amount, Ruqia was forced to seek refuge in the mountains. Since then, she has been working as a laborer to collect the land payment and get closer to the house she dreamed of.
Today, with the help of her dear viewers, the members of the Sabr team were able to pay off Ruqia’s debt and make her dream come true. This was a wonderful and happy moment for Ruqia and her children, as they can now return to their tent and start a new life with the hope of building a safe and pleasant home. Mohammad, a member of the Sabr channel team, also brought more joy to the family by bringing them various foods.
With tears in their eyes, Ruqia and her two children thanked all the viewers and prayed that other mothers and children in need would also find peace and security. Ruqia’s story is a reminder that with empathy and support, we can bring new life to those in need.
Let’s pray for Ruqia and other hardworking mothers so that they can find a safe and peaceful home as soon as possible and escape the hardships of homelessness.
#Nomadic_Life #Rural_Life #Nomadic_Raqiya #Raqiya #Homeless #Homeless_Family #Nomadic_Homeless #Raqiya's_Efforts_and_Determination #Survival #Strong_Woman #Resistant_Mother #Resistant_Mother
#Orphan_Girls #Kindness
#Home Orphan