Blessed Assurance and 80 other popular hymns played by Christian fingerstyle guitarist Josh Snodgrass. Let the peace of God renew your spirit as you listen to this worship playlist. This music is ideal for rest, relaxation, Bible study, prayer time and meditation on God's Word.
My goal for this music is that it would bring some peace into this chaotic world and remind you of the faithfulness of God. These songs are rich in meaning and I hope they are an encouragement to you!
If you are new to my channel, my name is Josh Snodgrass and I'm the guy playing the guitar. I present this music as a form of worship with the hope that you will be encouraged to go deeper in your walk with God. Jesus Christ is the Messiah who came to offer the world the hope of forgiveness for our sins and new life in him. He's the Son of God and he came to earth and took on human flesh, living as one of us. He didn't sin at all, and He is completely perfect. Because of His perfection, He was worthy to give His life on the cross as a sacrifice for the rest of us who have fallen short. He rose again in victory over sin and death and came back to life on the 3rd day. When we repent from our sins and turn to follow Jesus as Lord and Savior in faith, we will be completely forgiven by God for all of our sins. He offers us a complete pardon, trading his record for ours. He takes our sin and offers us His righteousness. Place your faith in Jesus and follow Him as He directs you through the Bible and the Holy Spirit.
If you would like to learn to play my music on guitar, get a CD or mp3 download or book me to do a concert at your church, please visit my website:
0:00:00 Blessed Assurance
0:03:29 I Have Decided to Follow Jesus
0:06:33 Tune: Benessan - Used in several hymns
0:09:17 In the Cross of Christ I Glory
0:12:13 Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
0:15:01 Precious Memories
0:17:43 Shall We Gather at the River
0:20:19 Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
0:23:16 O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus
0:27:33 Since Jesus Came into My Heart
0:29:49 In the Garden
0:32:40 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
0:35:24 The Old Rugged Cross
0:37:43 Just As I Am
0:40:05 Come Ye Sinners Poor and Needy
0:43:25 Send the Light
0:46:15 Whiter Than Snow
0:49:22 O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing
0:52:42 Lead Me to Calvary
0:55:58 Nearer My God to Thee
0:59:04 Blessed Redeemer
1:02:03 Great is Thy Faithfulness
1:05:36 This Little Light of Mine
1:07:50 Rock of Ages Cleft for Me
1:10:40 It is Well with My Soul
1:14:30 Down to the River to Pray
1:16:38 The Peace of God
1:19:39 More about Jesus
1:23:01 There is a Fountain
1:25:31 The Lily of the Valley
1:28:32 At Calvary
1:31:15 Love Divine All Loves Excelling
1:34:12 Faith is the Victory
1:37:37 My Help Comes from the Lord
1:41:41 Praise Him, Praise Him
1:44:36 Precious Lord, Take My Hand
1:47:05 My Faith has Found a Resting Place
1:50:23 Man of Sorrows, What a Name
1:53:10 The Sweet By and By
1:55:29 I'd Rather Have Jesus
1:58:08 When We All Get to Heaven
2:01:14 God is So Good
2:03:21 Pass Me Not O Gentle Savior
2:06:39 When the Roll is Called Up Yonder
2:08:42 This is My Father's World
2:11:40 Praise to the Lord
2:14:10 Have Thine Own Way Lord
2:17:30 Our God Reigns
2:20:05 Count Your Blessings
2:22:21 Amazing Grace
2:24:53 The Faithfulness of God
2:28:03 Be Thou My Vision
2:30:56 To God Be the Glory
2:33:54 Be Still My Soul
2:37:19 O Sacred Head Now Wounded
2:41:07 Trust and Obey
2:44:05 I Need Thee Every Hour
2:46:56 Jesus Paid it All
2:50:11 Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
2:53:30 Sweet Hour of Prayer
2:57:21 Fairest Lord Jesus
3:00:05 Revive Us Again
3:02:39 Crown Him with Many Crowns
3:04:44 O Worship the King
3:07:24 Blessed Be the Name
3:10:21 All Hail the Power of Jesus Name
3:12:52 My Jesus I Love Thee
3:16:07 Holy, Holy, Holy
3:18:41 Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
3:20:38 All the Way My Savior Leads Me
3:24:08 Tune: Beach Spring (used in several hymns)
3:27:32 Footsteps of Jesus
3:31:34 For the Beauty of the Earth
3:34:27 He Hideth My Soul
3:37:23 Heavenly Sunshine
3:40:35 Higher Ground
3:43:36 I Love Thee
3:46:39 Jesus Loves Me
3:48:37 Like a River Glorious
3:51:37 Love Lifted Me
3:54:39 What a Friend We Have in Jesus
3:58:19 Doxology