#美食 #马来西亚美食 #马来西亚 #沙爹 #klfoodie #malaysiafood #satay
Jalan Peel 皇后茶餐室,已经有60多年历史。它位于Jalan Peel为食街,里边有不少档口。最著名的有沙爹,烧鸡翼,马来炒面,马来卤面,羊汤等等。这里不到东西好吃,而且价钱实惠,绝对是你体验道地美食的好地方!
Peel Road Queen's Restaurant, located at Wai Sek Kai Peel Road, is a time-honoured kopitiam that has been around for more than 60 years. It has multiple food stalls that sell authentic local street food, like satay, grilled chicken wings, mee goreng, sup kambing etc. Not only the foods here are yummy, they are also wallet friendly, defintely a good place for you to savour local street foods!
Queen's Restaurant
96, Jalan Peel,
55100 KL
Open from 9am - 9.30pm
Closed on monday
人到中年,才开始我的油管频道, 请多多指教!
Started my Youtube journey at 40yo, do support, thanks!