This song speaks of healing power and medicine of Woman, the Moon and the Earth Herself. "Machi" is a word that comes from the Mapuche people of Chile and Argentina. A Machi is a medicine woman and sometimes also refers to a medicine man. May the images here remind us all what a miracle this life is. May we see that though tender and vulnerable our Earth is wise and resilient beyond all measure. "Where there is Love there is Life " and here there is a lot of Love. Blessed Be.
"Machi" from the album Four Great Winds 2012
Available at
Lyrics: Machi machi machi - ma
Machi machi machi - ma
Machi cura
Machi sana
Machi cántame una nana
Machi machi machi - ma
Machi machi machi - ma
Yo no lloro
Yo sólo canto
Con tu encanta
Pacha Mama
Madre Tierra
Machi is curing
Machi is healing
Machi sings me a lullaby
I do not cry
I just sing
with your love
Pacha Mama
Mother Earth
Peia filmed by Akira Chan & Ryan Williams Mitchell
Edited by Akira Chan
footage with permission from
Esto Es Mexico, Director-Diego Pernía cinematography-David Torres
Planet Earth
Set design
Endearment "Lady Dear" / AlcheMystic Metal Arts