春嫂Angela说要做出道地口味的Penang Lobak,需要用带点肥的夹心肉,再把它切成小条状,然后加入槟城特产五香粉,腌制半小时,文火炸至金黄色, 槟城著名小吃就做成啦。至于其余lobak做法的小细节,就看视频跟春嫂学吧!
分量:5-6人份 / 12-13条春卷
600克 夹心肉(带少肥, 切条状)
1粒 鸡蛋
2汤匙 五香粉
2汤匙 胡椒粉
2汤匙 粟粉
1汤匙 糖
1.5茶匙 盐
2瓣 蒜头 (去衣)
2粒 大葱头 (去衣切小块)
100克 沙葛 (去皮切小块)
2片 腐皮(剪4x7吋左右)
1粒 鸡蛋液
适量 油(炸春卷油)
1. 准备一个大盆,加入材料A和B,搅拌均匀, 收入冰箱腌制30分钟
2. 腐皮铺平,抹上蛋液,加入适量的馅料,裹成长柱型,卷起来,在封口处抹上蛋液,压紧封口
3. 锅微热时,加入半锅油,把春卷放入油锅(不须待油煮滚),用文火炸至金黄色
4. 沥油出锅,趁热享用
Lobak a.k.a. Five-Spice Meat Roll is often served by the Nyonyas during festivals, and by hawkers in Penang as an appetizer or snack. Now you can watch how it is done by Angela from Choon Prawn mee and do it yourself at home!
Portion: 5 - 6 pax / 12-13 pieces of spring rolls
Prep Time: 30 minutes + 30 minutes to marinate
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Ingredient A:
600 g pork shoulder (with fat, cut into small stick shape)
1 pc egg
2 tbsp five-spice powder
2 tbsp pepper
2 tbsp cornflour
1 tbsp sugar
1.5 tsp salt
Ingredient B:
2 cloves garlic (skin off)
2 pc onion (skin off and diced)
100 g jicama (skin off and diced)
Ingredient C:
2 pc beancurd sheet (wipe clean, cut into 4x7” pieces)
Adequate cooking oil (to fry spring rolls)
1. Add ingredient B into a blender to mash, then set aside
1. Prepare a large bowl, add ingredient A and B, mix evenly, store in the fridge and marinate for 30 minutes
2. Lay the beancurd sheet on a flat surface, add a suitable amount of fillings, roll it into the shape like cylinders, smear some egg onto the edges and seal the roll tightly
3. Place the roll into a wok (oil best filled until half of the wok), fry the rolls with low heat for 10 minutes or until they turn golden brown
4. Drain the oil and the Penang Lobak is done! Enjoy while it’s hot!
#南洋风味家常菜单 #友煮意 #nanyangkitchen
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