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In this video we discuss using Per-Preset footswitches, both Placeholders and Overrides, and how to integrate them with Global footswitches.
The important takeaway here is you can mix Global switches with Per-Preset switches (either Placeholders or Overrides) to make a very flexible Layout for different presets that's easy to setup. Keep some switches Global so you don't have to assign them in every preset, and make some switches Per-Preset as needed for differences in your Presets.
#axefxiii #fm3 #fm9
0:00 - Intro
0:12 - Quick Example (Override)
0:55 - Global vs Per-Preset defined
1:35 - Override in detail
3:26 - Placeholders in detail
5:44 - Mixing Global and Per-Preset explanation
6:23 - Using Placeholder and Override together
7:37 - Outro
8:09 - Default Footswitch Layouts thoughts
11:21 - A process for making custom Layouts