In this video I share my perch fishing tips to try and help anglers locate and catch big perch on lures. I’m absolutely buzzing to be Perch fishing on the river again. The temperatures are just starting to drop and so it feels like it's time!!!
I’m on a stretch of river that I’ve not fished for perch on before, so it gives me a great opportunity to share with you my approach to trying to find and catch some decent perch on a new venue. It’s still quite mild, we’ve not hit the freezing cold temperatures of winter yet and so it’s a great time to get out there and investigate new spots.
Thanks as always for checking out the video. Please don't forget to like and subscribe for more perch fishing content that's already in the edit!
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00:00 - Intro
01:52 - Perching Fishing Lures
03:19 - Perching Fishing Crankbaits
04:24 - Perch Fishing
07:11 - A Stunning Pike
07:40 - How to Start Perch Fishing
09:23 - Spro Freestyle Rucksack
09:45 - Korum Snapper Fast Net
10:05 - Perch Fishing Lure Rods
11:16 - The Ned Rig Perch
12:59 - Chub Fishing with Lures
15:38 - Catching Perch
17:31 - Flavoured Squirmz for Perch
19:27 - Perch on the Dropshot
21:29 - Dropshotting for perch
24:18 - Big Perch on Lures
25:46 - Outro