If ever a set of miniatures harkens back to my childhood, it would be this set.
Makes me think of the old plastic Britain's knights we'd often have battles with at both our house or at our Grandparents' place- usually against other plastic Britain's figures, be they gorillas, farm animals, spacemen, soldiers, or whatever else was on hand. I don't know if they were mine or my Uncle's, but we certainly had a lot of fun playing with them.
Which brings me to this set. They're very knightly knights and can be painted up as pretty much whatever you want them to be. Which I most certainly plan on doing.
There's a lot of variety to be had, especially if you have access to other knight kits. The biggest weakness here is the lack of shields and more exotic weapons. Where are the maces and morning stars? I guess I'll have to supply my own, regardless of whether it's historically accurate or not.
Another nice fact is you get a lot of models in this box. Contrast that with some of the other kits we've looked at recently, that give you a third of the models for the same price.
I still hope to get these all painted for some games of Lion Rampant in the future!
You can find them on the Perry's site--