In this episode, I'm joined by Jessica Dawn Bourque of Temples of the Moon, exploring Persephone, the Queen of the Underworld and how her journey is a symbolic rite of passage for all women as we move from the victim archetype through the bonds of the mother, to the abduction of our soul’s essence by the patriarchal shadow, and come full circle through the darkness to own the truth and depth of who we truly are, as the sovereigns of our own internal kingdom.
With Love, Nicola x
Are you at a crossroads in your life that is triggering uncomfortable emotions, anxiety and stress making you question who you are as a woman and want to develop the inner confidence and self-awareness to navigate complex relationship dynamics and live empowered from your core?
Explore How the Unique Shadow Work for Women 1:1 Programmes Can Help You Transform Your Life and Relationships -
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With love & gratitude,
Nicola x
#shadowwork #woundedfeminine #divinefeminine