अमरूद का खट्टा मीठा अचार / पेरुचे लोणचे / Spicy Peru Pickle (Guava Pickle) a dash of spiciness combined with the fruit's natural sweetness makes it a finger-licking treat. पेरुचे पंचामृत / कायरस/ लोणचे / हे एकदम चविष्ट चटकदार व तोंडाला पाणी सुटणारे असते. Guava, which is believed to be a native of Peru in South America, is called “Peru” in Bombay and its neighboring areas, may be because it came to India from there. It grew well here and became so popular with Indian masses that today guava is the fifth most widely grown fruit crop of India. Guava / Peru is full of C vitamin and help building immune system. It has unique smell and sweet to tart taste. Also see my videos on #indianrecipes #guavarecipe #perurecipe #perupickle #guavapickle #sweetandsourrecipes #fingerlickingtreat #mouthwateringrecipe #panchamrut #peruchelonche #peruchepanchamrut #spicyfood #tarttaste #கொய்யா ஊறுகாய் #Koyyāūṟukāy #జామ పచ్చడి #Jāmapaccaḍi #പേരക്ക അച്ചാർ #perakkaaccar #ಪೇರಲ ಉಪ್ಪಿನಕಾಯಿ #peralauppinakayi #امرود کا اچار# #pepinillodeguayaba #番石榴泡菜 #mukhalalaljawafa #مخلل الجوافة# #JamakayaPachadi