#littlebylittle359 #projectsnowman #cabelas
This week I’m back to working on Little by Little and I wanted to tackle the interior including installing that sleeper boot that’ll tie the big hole rings I got from truckshrouds.com and then decided to put in the interior panels after a little bit of rework and that minty upholstery boot that the DayCab Company (daycabs.com). Coming together nicely if I do say so myself – Enjoy!
Be sure to check out Bass Pro Shop (US) /Cabela’s (Canada) for all your outdoor recreational needs: www.basspro.com www.cabelas.ca
If you appreciate these videos and like classic trucks, I encourage you to check out and join the American Truck Historical Society: https://www.aths.org/
Also, be sure to check out my new YouTube channel Snowman Speed Shop www.youtube.com/@SnowmanSpeedShop
Thanks for watching and as always, I appreciate all the comments, suggestions, and support!
As always, keep in mind, I know a little about a lot but not an expert in anything … just doing the best I can, learning as I go ... I do all my own stunts
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TikTok @twinstix
Mailing Address:
TwinStick Garage
PO Box 21, Ardrossan STN Main
Alberta, Canada
T8E 2A1
Check out these great companies and products:
Mrs. TwinSticks Custom Bracelets on Instagram: @natures_precious_stones
Custom Crib Boards: https://woodstuff.ca/
Shell Rotella: https://rotella.shell.com/
DayCab Company Custom Interiors: https://www.daycabs.com/
Gratz Manufacturing: https://gratz-manufacturing-inc.business.site/
Gear Center: https://gearcentre.com/
Conmet: https://conmet.com/oem/
Southern Tire Mart: https://www.stmtires.com/
Lesco Distributors: https://lescodistributors.ca/
TopDon: https://topdon.com/
Big Rig Chrome Shop: https://www.bigrigchromeshop.com/
Hyperlite: https://hi-hyperlite.com/ 6% off promo code: twinstick
Spectrum Polishers: https://www.spectrumalberta.ca/
Glitter Shifters: https://www.fueledtocreate.com/
Gen-Y Hitches: https://genyhitch.com/
Pat’s Driveline: https://patsdriveline.com/
Partsam LED Lights: https://bit.ly/3fMPrkU 4% discount code:TwinStix
Traction: https://www.traction.com/en/
SuperSaul Parts Washer: https://supersaulchemmex.com/industrial/parts-wash/
Wildfire Lifts: https://www.wildfirelifts.com/
Gen Y Hitch: https://genyhitch.com/
Bluetti Power Stations: https://www.bluettipower.com/
TopDon Themal Camera: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BYHP8KM9
Himiway e-Bikes: https://ca.himiwaybike.com?sca_ref=4388275.PCqRt5i5yv
Vantrue DashCams: https://www.vantrue.com/
Truck Shrouds: https://www.truckshrouds.com/
Demilare LED Lights: https://amzn.to/3TiZVK4 Discount code: Twinstick02
American Truck Historical Society: https://www.aths.org/
Arccaptain Welders: https://www.arccaptain.com/
QA1 High Performance Suspension & Driveline: https://www.qa1.net/
Safety Gear and Tooling: https://surewerx.com/s/
Exclusive Auto Works (onsite glass) call 780-729-7119
Princess Auto: https://www.princessauto.com/
Quick Performance Differentials: https://www.quickperformance.com/
Teslong Borescopes: https://amzn.to/3Kwddxq
Stainless Semi Fenders: https://class8mfg.com/
Custom Car Wiring Kits: https://painlessperformance.com/
Cold Case Radiators: https://www.coldcaseradiators.com/ (use code twinstick for free shipping)
Pypes Performance Exhaust: https://www.pypesexhaust.com/ (use code twinstick for free shipping)
Doug’s Headers: https://pertronixbrands.com/
Holley Fuel Systems: https://www.holley.com/
Butler Performance: https://butlerperformance.com/
Trucking Art: www.norblisinski.com
Eaton Clutches: https://gearcentre.com/products-services/heavy-duty-products/heavy-duty-clutches/
Bass Pro Shop/Cabela’s: www.basspro.com www.cabelas.ca