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Today's video is about explaining a lot of the miracles associated with the golden ratio phi, the Fibonacci sequence and the closely related tribonacci constant and sequence.
Featuring the truely monstrous monster formula for the nth tribonacci number, the best golden ratio t-shirt in the universe, rabbits, mutant rabbits, Kepler's wonderful Fibonacci-Phi link, Binet's formula, the Lucas numbers, golden rectangles, icosahedra, snub cubes, Marty, a very happy Mathologer, etc.
Special thanks to my friend Marty Ross for some good-humoured heckling while we were recording the video and Danil Dimitriev for his ongoing Russian support of this channel.
Also check out my other videos featuring the golden ratio and the Fibonacci numbers.
The fabulous Fibonacci flower formula:
Infinite fractions and the most irrational number (phi):