#phigros #rhythmgame #tranding #mood #indonesia #zxnx
※ Player:Farrel
※ Title Song:K.Moe (VIP)
※ Artist:ZxNX
-《 https://youtube.com/@zxnx?si=mkmP2SP1fRyhg6Ii 》
※ Device:Ipad 9 gen
※ Charter:C.Max (PBM)
【Profile Phigros】
※ Player:Farrel
※ Rating Phigros:15.73
*the rating and level will always be updated every time i upload a new video.
※ Original Song
《 https://youtu.be/M8VqX5h1UAs?si=oHI2TydcYLoZ8zv- 》
【Follow My Sosial Media】
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《 tiktok.com/@farrel_rhythmgamer 》
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《 https://www.instagram.com/farrel_rhythmgamer 》
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《 https://x.com/Farrel_AdRTeam?t=bP04hWpj-BlkyaVSZ03vsv&s=09 》
※ Join the Phigros Discord!👇🏻
《 https://discord.gg/phigros 》
※ Join the server Artisticia De Rhythm / AdR Team👇🏻 [ I own the server btw lol, join plss]
《 https://discord.gg/B73DW2Jqfg 》
Enjoy the video guys! Have a good day!