"Speak only if it improves upon the silence." 0:00 - Mark Mahaney 1:05 - Editorial Mind 3:04 - Tool 4:10 - Get Out of Your Comfort Zone 5:05 - Erinn Springer 6:19 - Assignment Photography 8:59 - Willy Sheepskin & Paulie B 10:32 - Andrew Huberman 11:33 - Dopamine 13:22 - Huberman's Relation to Photography *People Mentioned* https://www.markmahaney.com/ https://erinnspringer.com/ @willysheepskin @PaulieB @hubermanlab *Podcasts Mentioned* The Photo Banter The Study with David Gurzhiev *Huberman Video* https://youtu.be/xLORsLlcT48?si=zZUiulvD6vC4x8n9 Website : https://www.bryanbirks.com Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/bryanbirks/ *How to Support* Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/bryanbirks Buy some film - https://bhpho.to/440407v