High Quality (ad-free) copies of all Piano House Volumes can be found here:
Soundcloud Link: https://soundcloud.com/peppermintparties
Mixcloud Link: https://www.mixcloud.com/PeppermintParties
Piano House Vol 18 has landed...
This is the live recording from October 2021 when Peppermint Parties owners; Sam Fingers & Steve Love hired out the Extreme Wow Penthouse for the weekend @ Londons W Hotel (and didn't invite us lol.....)
The lads reckon the penthouse @ W London was an after lockdown present to themselves (and their better half's Sarah & Marie) because they deserved a proper night out lol. The penthouse came with decks in it so Sam Fingers let rip on the rooms set up and recorded it for a giggle......
We've had a listen to it and this more than fits the bill for these piano house volumes on P Parties YT channel. VOL18 is a superb selection of pumping uplifting piano house bangers infused with classic sounding vocals and piano's.
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Piano House (Vol 18) mixed "to perfection" with big amounts of love by Peppermint Parties resident: Sam Fingers
Enjoy xXx
/ djsamfingers