Pick a story or let me do your bi weekly readings for you using my intuitive and empathic gifts! Readings may resonate immediately but I've been told that I predict future events. Please remember that these reading are general but don't be surprised if they manifest!
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***Disclosure*** You can request callbacks or call between M-Th 1-5 pm MT. Calls are 2.22 per minute. ***I sometimes post a separate Youtube Video during the times that I am taking calls. When you request a callback, you stay in the call queue until I get back to you. Your money will stay on your account until you speak with me or you can request a refund.**********
To Register:
Save my number: 1-888-293-9023
ext. 11119
For personal video readings, please contact me at temajtarot@gmail.com to request a price list. Payments and donations can be made through PayPal, Gofundme, and now Cashapp.
#pickastory #pickacardreading #pickapilereadings
To Find Your Venus Video:
Twin Flame Videos:
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/temajtarot/?hl=en
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Libra, Aquarius, Taurus, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Virgo, Leo, Daily Tarot, Pick a Card, Tarotscope, Weekly Tarot, Libra New, Divine masculine
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