PIGEON SHOOTING - HIK ALPEX - Air Arms S510 Ultimate Sporter
My 2nd visit to this farm controlling feral pigeons using a sub 12 air rifle with the HikMicro Alpex A50T.
Equipment used:
Air Arms S510 Ultimate Sporter .177 sub 12ft/lb (Rat Works Tuned) https://www.theratworks.co.uk/
GRS Sporter Green Mountain Camo stock
Air Arms Diabolo Field 8.4gr (4.52)
N8Vision Tripod Saddle Clamp (Contact Lee Poland) https://www.facebook.com/groups/1526261620999944/?ref=share
Primos Gen III Trigger Sticks Tripod
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/LancsVerminControl
Donations: https://shorturl.at/fnGRV
Merch: https://rb.gy/4avp09
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lancs_vermin_control
2nd channel @theratpopper
All animals in this video are legally and humanely shot under the terms of English law and/or under licence.