Hello everyone, in this guide I aim to provide helpful information about Pillars of Eternity for new players and/or people struggling to deal with the higher difficulties of the game. This guide is focused on the first game (deadfire features different mechanics and changes to gameplay).
I will provide several tips and suggestions as well as explain the more convoluted mechanics of the game so that you are better prepared to deal with your opponents! The information I am sharing here is based on my own experience with the game after completing multiple triple crown runs now with various classes and these are the things that contributed the most to my success in those runs. One such run is even in the channel in case you want to check it out - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLg9GM2jv_Yxew2BM6UbedChIQG39G-dQM
This is a long video so I also encourage you to check out the timestamps below or in the video progress bar in case you are looking for help regarding a specific topic. The topics covered by this guide are the following:
00:00 Introduction
04:47 Auto pausing
09:10 Party composition
19:56 Party formation
21:05 Scouting (stealth)
23:25 Queuing actions
26:20 Positioning (and chokepoints)
37:09 Engagement
44:51 Accuracy and defenses
01:10:10 Interrupting
01:14:05 Areas of effect
01:18:24 Attributes
01:24:06 Skills
01:31:21 Itemization and Stacking
01:39:24 Consumables
01:44:07 Summons
01:48:39 Buffing and debuffing
01:53:25 Talents
02:00:37 Bestiary
02:03:07 Resting
02:07:03 Super secret tech!
02:07:42 Hotkeys
02:08:08 Recovery time
02:11:38 Summary and conclusion
Just as mentioned in the video, if there is a specific point that you would like some help with due to not being covered or not providing necessary detail or example, feel free to leave a comment and I'll help out as best I can :)
I hope this guide proves useful for you and that you have fun in Pillars of Eternity, it is a truly awesome game :D If you enjoy this content and want to stay tuned for more, consider subscribing to the channel!
Thank you very much for watching.