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Created by the Western Massachusetts Electric Company "Pioneering with Power" presents an early view of the Yankee Rowe Nuclear Power Station (YRNPS). YRNPS was a nuclear power plant in Rowe, Massachusetts, that operated from 1960 to 1992. The film starts with the signing of the Atomic Energy Act in 1954, which allowed private ownership of atomic facilities. The narrative details the operation of the pressurized water reactor, the installation of heavy equipment, and the importance of water supply. The reactor went critical on August 19, 1960, and the plant began operating below estimated costs by November 1960. 0:00 - Introduction -- New England's history of pioneering ideas and inventions. Introduction of atomic power as a new form of pioneering. 1:19 - Signing of the Atomic Energy Act on August 30, 1954, permitting private ownership of atomic facilities. Formation of an atomic power company by New England utilities on August 31, 1954. 2:00 - Reasons for pursuing atomic energy, emphasizing private industry over government involvement. Benefits of having a full-scale plant in operation, including learning potentials and attracting industries. 3:01 - Decision-making process for locating the plant, considering factors like proximity to transmission lines, water supply, and community interest. 4:08 - Choice of a pressurized water reactor based on studies and consultations. Detailed explanation of how a pressurized water reactor operates. 6:42 - Advantages of pressurized water reactors for reliability and competitive cost levels. Potential for replacing coal and fuel oil with uranium fuel, promising economical operation. 7:29 - Understanding that initial costs may be higher, but future benefits are expected. 8:07 - Seeking engineering help to integrate the plant into a practical unit. 8:39 - Initiation of plant engineering and design on July 1, 1956. 9:04 - Detailed development of the plant, from initial ideas to a complete model. 10:11 - Construction beginning on September 4, 1956, with preliminary land clearing. 10:42 - Significant construction milestones, including earthmoving and concrete pouring in 1958. Installation of steel structures for the turbine hall. 12:00 - The exciting and mighty story of constructing the atomic power plant. Transforming raw materials into a structured, significant atomic power plant. 12:59 -September 26, 1958, preparing for pouring the initial concrete for the reactor structure. 13:17 - Steel reinforcement for the reactor structure and continuous pouring of concrete. 14:01 - Completion of the concrete base for the reactor structure. 14:32 - Construction of other buildings in the complex. 15:19 - Installation of the outer skin, the final protection for the reactor. 15:22 - Final steps in completing the reactor sphere and other installations. 15:36 - Overview of how the plant operates, focusing on the pressurized water reactor. 16:35 - Importance of the neutron shield tank and the reactor vessel. Installation of the reactor vessel and other heavy equipment. 17:55 - Next steps include installing the steam generators. Installation of equipment through the sphere opening. 19:30 - Placement of the generators and their connection to the main reactor and turbines. Installation of interlock controls in the plant control room. 20:00 - The plant control room allows trained operators to manage the atomic furnace and oversee power production. 20:22 - Installation of the electric generator continues. 21:23 - Importance of water supply for the plant's day-to-day function. 21:49 - The plant, once an idea, now stands against the ancient Hills of New England. 22:00 - Preparation of uranium fuel, including mixing, inspection, and loading into fuel tubes. 23:00 - Loading of uranium oxide pellets into fuel tubes. 23:48 - Formation of fuel element assemblies from subassemblies. 24:55 -Reactor goes critical, initiating the first test. 25:29 - The reactor goes critical on August 19, 1960. 26:03 - Plant is operating below the estimated cost. 26:34 - The beginning of the story, with the promise of equalizing New England power costs and more. 27:03 - New industries related to fuel fabrication, controls, instrumentation, and reprocessing of spent fuel. 28:19 - The plant heralds a new age of industrial growth and research, driven by the pioneering spirit of New England people. Motion picture films don't last forever; many have already been lost or destroyed. We collect, scan and preserve 35mm, 16mm and 8mm movies -- including home movies, industrial films, and other non-fiction. If you have films you'd like to have scanned or donate to Periscope Film, we'd love to hear from you. Contact us via the link below. This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD and 2k. For more information visit
