Pissed Happy Children
Pissed Playground
Punk, Hardcore
New Beginning, Crowd Control Activities
1. Ready To Fight
2. Seizure At The Circus
3. Cup O' Java
4. School Patrol
5. Rude Ralph
6. Bombs Away
7. Smeer The Queer
8. Jelly Roll Jamboree
9. Pissed Playground
10. Pit Of Freaks
11. Moron League
12. Pop! Goes The Weasel
13. Avenging Grandmother
14. Use Prisoners
15. Mr. Magoo's Revenge
16. Never Fair
17. Vampires
18. The Crane
19. Vigilante
20. Gravel Truck
21. Dead Pig
22. Graveyard At Sea
23. Never Fair
24. No Gain No Pain
All rights to PHC, Crowd Control Activities, and New Beginning Records. I claim no ownership of the music or image displayed in this video. Thanks for watching, like, sub, share, and please enjoy!