2022 Season Stats:
30G / 16W 8L / 194 2/3 IP / 197 SO / ERA 3.10 / WHIP 0.950 / FIP 3.31 / ERA+ 121 / bWAR 4.4
Yu Darvish's 2022 Pitching Arsenal:
Cutter (including both soft-type and hard-type)
4-Seam Fastball
Slider (Slurve)
2-Seam Fastball
Curveball (including eephus)
Thumbnail image source:
Music used (from Youtube audio library):
Intro - Deep State by Vans in Japan
BGM - We Cruisin' by Otis McDonald
**I have no intentions to claim rights on any of the MLB contents used in this video.
I just want to make more people enjoy the art of baseball.**
#pitchingrepertoire #yudarvish #sandiegopadres