Today we're playing We. The Revolution! A gameplay tasting menu that's about as linear and deadly as a guillotine, but is that a bad thing? Join me on an adventure with a protagonist who will often be found sitting down and doling out punishment! This version has more music and one additional sight gag!
Thanks to Hotcyder for the thumbnail and Emily Nace for the Playing logo!
1. Yes. The Introduction 00:00
- Welcome to The. French Revolution
2. The Art Works 02:43
- The games lovely presentation
3. The Courtroom Exhibit A: Finding Links & Ambiguity 05:28
- We talk about the core gameplay
4. The Courtroom Exhibit B: Verdicts 12:45
- Passing judgment on the accused, and how it effected me.
5. Family Break 18:31
- Of an evening, Alexis goes home to his loving family
6. Alexis & Voice Acting 22:42
- An investigation of the lead’s lacking delivery
7. The Courtroom Exhibit C: Choices 27:33
- The choices we’ve made so far, and the rather miniscule consequences
8. The Courtroom Exhibit D: Tinville’s Report 28:56
- Mechanics in place to make sure you understand the events of the case
9. The Courtroom Exhibit E: The Guillotine and Speeches 31:08
- Where would the French revolution be without it?
10. The Trial of Louis, Historicity, and the Crowd 35:35
- Breaking down the games approach to historical fiction
11. The Strategy Map 41:34
- The culture war for Paris begins, unfortunately.
12. Influence & Events 44:16
- The games method of granting agency, by making it feel chaotic and fleeting.
13. Intriguing Developments 46:33
- The intrigue system is introduced, capping off the gameplay
14. A Day in the Life 54:57
- The tiring gameplay loop.
15. The Rise of Alexis 58:33
- Turns out, we’re playing as a character.
16. Act 2 Part 1: The Imperfect Intrigue & Fatherhood 01:09:09
- As the stakes rise, we look into one of the games ever present but somehow lesser themes.
17. Act 2 Part 2: Choice 01:16:49
- We revisit choice, particularly in regards to the games strange wider reception.
18. Act 3 Part 1: Fraternité 01:25:43
- One of the three promises of the Revolution, and the one which defiles this game.
19. Act 3 Part 2: Militaire 01:32:30
- More mechanics no
20. Act 3 Part 3: Intrigue 5: Fraternité 2: Milwall 01:40:33
- It’s not that intriguing
21. Act 3 Part 4: Choice Redux 01:43:41
- No
22. Fin 01:48:13
- The story of Alexis comes to a bittersweet conclusion.
23. Conclusion 01:55:36