Hi, This is zueeling. (한국어 설명은 아래에 있습니다.)
It’s been a while since my last upload, but I want to take a moment to thank everyone who has dropped by and left encouraging messages. Your words have meant so much to me, especially during exhausting times when it gave me the strength to keep going. Thank you so much for that.
Recently, I moved to a new place (house tour video coming soon!). I absolutely love it here. There was no air conditioning or furniture at first, but the breeze is so good that I don’t even need AC, and I’ve been enjoying furnishing the house piece by piece. Most of all, the sunsets are breathtaking, and I can’t wait to share them with you!
So, I filmed in one of my favourite spots where I often sit, with the sunset as the backdrop. And I’ve brought along a playlist of the songs I listened to the most in Sydney throughout 2024.
2024 was a year where I had to face my own limitations. I think I found myself longing for happiness more than ever. But instead of giving up, I chose to reflect and grow, and somehow, those moments of struggle started to feel more like “completion” than failure. It was a tough time, but I think I got through it by staying grounded, loving the people around me, and reminding myself that in this one life we get, there’s no such thing as failure, only lessons for the future.
I sincerely wish that your 2025 is filled with good health, overflowing with love, and that even in the midst of challenges, you’re always closer to comfort and completion than you may think, just stay positive. :)
Happy New Year🤍
시드니 유학생 주일링이에요.
업로드 텀이 많이 길긴 했지만, 잊지않고 늘 찾아와 응원의 메시지를 남겨주신 분들께 감사 인사드려요. 감사합니다. 덕분에 힘들고 지친 순간에 남겨주신 말들을 원동력 삼아 힘을 냈던 것 같아요.
얼마 전에 이사를 했는데요. (집 영상 곧 업로드할게요!) 너무너무 맘에 드는 곳을 찾았어요. 에어컨도 없고, 가구도 하나 없었던 집이지만 바람이 너무 잘 들어서 에어컨이 필요없고, 하나하나 집에 가구를 채우는 소소한 재미가 있었어요. 무엇보다 노을이 정말 예뻐서, 꼭 꼭 보여드리고 싶더라고요.
그래서 제가 자주 앉아있는 곳과 노을을 배경으로.
제가 2024년도 시드니에서 가장 많이 들었던 노래들 가져왔어요.
2024년도는 제 한계를 마주하는 한 해이기도 했는데, 그때마다 행복을 간절히 바랬던 것 같아요. 하지만 동시에 포기하지 않고, 성찰하고 반성하다보니 어느새 그것들은 ‘완성‘이 되더라고요. 저는 그 시간들이 너무 힘들었지만 건강하게, 사람들과 사랑하며, 한번밖에 주어진 인생이 실패란 없다고 생각하며 견뎠던 것 같아요.
여러분의 2025년도가 건강하기를, 사랑으로 넘쳐나기를, 고난 속에서도 너무 어둡지만은 않기를 진심으로 바라요:)
Happy New Year🤍
#시드니 #시드니일상 #호주유학 #시드니집 #플레이리스트 #시드니노을 #국제연애