🌷 playlist 🌷 小さな街の可愛い雑貨屋さんのBGM 🏠 ポップで優しい洋楽プレイリスト|CUTE POP MUSIC PLAYLIST♡ "3hour"【広告なし】
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00:00:00 1 DogWalker by JayMiners Artlist
00:03:55 2 ArrowFiles by paper planes
00:05:52 3 With you by ZivMoran
00:08:19 4 BirdsofPrey by SwirlingShip Artlist
00:10:22 5 GrowupifITry by VickiMcCrone Artlist
00:12:59 6 Sinosi by TomAgad Art-list
00:15:12 7 I wish by ZivMoran Artlist
00:18:14 8 Noam by MayaIsac Artlist
00:21:41 9 DontYouEver by TheWatershed Artlist
00:24:57 10 A Thousand Eyes by Sarah Kang
00:28:08 11 The best things by PaperPlanes Art list
00:30:14 12 StrawberryMountain by JayMiners Artlist
00:34:29 13 Arrow Files by PaperPlanes Artlist
00:36:26 14 Typical by SarahKang Artist
00:39:46 15 SimpleThings by PaperPlanes Art list
00:41:41 16 MyLittleDog by VickiMcCrone Artlist
00:44:33 17 I see it all by The watershed
00:48:47 18 BloodyYou by RacoonRacoon Artlist
00:52:21 19 Patience by ChadTuthill
00:57:03 20 Noam by Maya Isac Artlist
01:00:30 21 Cutting Teeth bu BenNoble
01:04:42 22 MoreThanWords by SarahKang Artlist
01:07:28 23 LittleBoy by DanielRobinson
01:10:52 24 ColorWheel by VickiMcCrone Artlist
01:12:35 25 All This Love by Russo and Weinberg
01:16:00 26 IfIWereKing by LowLight Artlist
01:18:55 27 LieintheSun by ORKAS Artlist
01:22:01 28 WakeUp by RussoandWeinberg Artlist
01:25:53 29 Cityscapes by vernmatz Artlist
01:28:37 30 LittleSparrow by RacoonRacoon Artlist
01:32:56 31 WhereYouGo by JessieRitter Artlist
01:35:51 32 TheDesert by VickiMcCrone Artlist
01:40:50 33 SomethingGood by TheHazelnuts Artlist
01:43:36 34 4Walls by MarkSchirmacher Artlist
01:46:54 35 DawnChorus by RacoonRacoon Artlist
01:50:38 36 Manor mouse by BeBraveBenjamin
01:53:34 37 AlwaysHome by JayMiners Artlist
01:57:02 38 MagicLand by ReigoVilbiks Artlist
01:59:18 39 WeGoTogether by Bamtone Artlist
02:01:46 40 CoffeeEveryMorning by JessieRitter Artlist
02:05:01 41 TheSlowdown by MichaelShynes Artlist
02:08:10 42 ComeTakeMyHand by VickiMcCrone Artlist
02:10:31 43 BytheSchoolyard by ZivMoran Artlist
02:13:44 44 MyMan by RussoandWeinberg Artlist
02:15:56 45 CoffeeCup by AnthonyLazaro Artlist
02:18:54 46 SoMuchMore by MarcRobillard Artlist
02:22:09 47 CantWait by MayaIsac Artlist
02:26:28 48 Not today by SaintAnyway
02:30:06 49LazyBaby by AndreaVasquez Artlist
02:33:03 50 GoodTimesandtheBad by LeonLaudenbach Artlist
02:37:03 51 TexasSky by JoyHanna Artlist
02:40:46 52 OurLove by KyleLaLone Artlist
02:44:08 53 ThinkMyselftoDeath by KyleLaLone Artlist
02:47:41 54 Dove by KingOak Artlist
02:50:22 55 WasteYourTimeonMe by PaperPlanes Artlist
02:52:08 56 MyHouse by MapleBeech Artlist
02:55:03 57 AnotherSong by SaintAnyway Artlist
02:59:11 59 DeadtoRights by MapleBeech Artlist
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