朝の光が差し込む中、心地よい音楽で1日をスタートしてみませんか?☀️ 忙しい日々の中でも、ゆっくりと深呼吸してリラックスできる時間を。爽やかで元気が出る洋楽が、あなたの朝を彩り、エネルギッシュな1日へと導いてくれます。通勤中やモーニングコーヒーのお供にぴったりのこのプレイリストで、素敵な朝のルーティンを始めましょう!✨
🔔YoutubE: https://www.youtube.com/@dailyroutine_official
💌 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/daily_routine_music/
00:00 Janelle Waters - Is it you
02:41 Janelle Waters - My harmony
05:20 Janelle Waters - You're my choice
07:51 Janelle Waters - Dream of you
11:21 Janelle Waters - 500 miles
14:17 Janelle Waters - Good Days
17:14 Janelle Waters - LIGHT
19:54 Janelle Waters - Can I go where you go
21:59 Janelle Waters - Deal of love
24:41 Janelle Waters - Let Me Go
28:07 Janelle Waters - Butterfly
30:52 Janelle Waters - LOVER
33:49 Janelle Waters - My purpose
36:34 Janelle Waters - Don't let me down
39:52 Janelle Waters - HOME
🔔 Follow Janelle Waters
🔔 Follow Kevin Lentz
🚫This video is an original production created by our team. Any reuse, reproduction, or distribution in any form is strictly prohibited.
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© Daily Routine.