Hello Everyone! Spring has been kind to us here in Ohio and we are delightfully immersed in GREEN! Today I am sharing a video that features a comprehensive study on how to paint a lush green forest with a sun dappled creek gently flowing under an old stone bridge. I’ve loved this bridge for a long time and have meant to paint it for years~ I hope you enjoy this video and get a lot out of it!
At the moment, (June 1, 2024- Saturday) I am at the airport on my way to teach my workshop in France then I’ll be off to Ireland for fun! I’m so excited! Be watching for upcoming videos from France and Ireland!
Below are the links I mentioned in the video you should check out!
Jessica Henry Gray Web Site:
To signup for my newsletter, go to: https://www.jessicahenryfineart.com/email-newsletter
Newsletter subscribers can:
- Receive notification each time I post a new YouTube video, including a
brief review of why/how it was made and how it can help you.
- Learn about upcoming workshops and events
- See my latest fully-realized artworks
- Be invited to view special studio sales
2025 France Workshop: On the Calendar! June 13-23, 2025, filling already~ Contact me for more info ([email protected])
France: https://www.jessicahenryfineart.com/workshop/27382/le-vieux-couvent
My Blog: I write every now and then about things that matter to me, inspirational ideas, painting tips, stories, thoughts on being an artist, journey through cancer, travel, etc.
Connect with me! Social Media:
Jessica Henry Gray Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1627444236
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jessica_henry_fine_art/?fbclid=IwAR1qBarqZjjIXiZK-c-nF-TdmHdox6oYDKIAhxa-8tRyZJ4A_AbXiGASmHA
Materials used in this video:
Oil Colors:
• Titanium White
Cadmium Yellow Light
• Cadmium Yellow Medium
• Yellow Ochre
• Burnt Sienna
• Ultramarine Blue
• Pthalo Green
• Alizarin Crimson
• Gamsol Odorless Mineral Spirits-
* Linseed Oil
Jumbo Brush Clip Holder
For 10% off enter Promo Code: JESSIE (look for the promo code box on the check out page when ordering)
Box N Paint Wet Paint Storage:
Coolibar Sun Blocking “Gloves”: https://www.coolibar.com/products/tramo-performance-hand-cover-upf-50
I prefer Flats, sizes 2, 4, 6, & 8
I have a few small angled brushes and some small round detail brushes
A container to hold brushes
Small tri-angled palette knife, for cleaning the palette or sometimes for painting
Painting Box:
• Some videos, Open Box M
Paper towels
Odorless Mineral Spirit container
Palette Cup container
Bungee cord to hold paper towels
*Sometimes: Plein Air Umbrella (I prefer White, silver is also fine)
Back Pack to carry every thing
Stool (if desired)
Sketch book/pencil/eraser/view catcher
Small Garbage Bags
Sun block/chap stick/water/phone/ Personal care needs
poncho just in case
Most important!
A Vision~ have a Concept! I'll share more in the video