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澳房策aofangce 57,591 lượt xem 3 years ago
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✅澳房策直播公开课 《选好投资房开启创富之路》
👉价值$880直播课程, 现在免费注册! 参加立即解锁大礼包!

澳洲朋友们,你知道自己退休的时候能领取多少养老金吗?养老金和老人金有什么区别?你需要攒多少钱才有资本退休呢?我们邀请到了澳洲悉尼华人圈自身理财顾问Mark Zhang一次性讲明白澳洲养老体系。想要移民来澳洲的朋友们可以对澳洲福利系统有更深入的了解。养老金Superannuation退休金Age Pension自管养老金SMSF

Mark Zhang | MZ Insurance Services Pty Ltd | AFS Licence No. 460382
个人理财 | 养老金|人寿保险 | 财产保险 | 生意保险

Disclaimer:The information contained in this video is general in nature and does not take into account your personal situation. You should consider whether the information is appropriate to your needs, and where appropriate, seek professional advice from a financial adviser.Taxation, legal and other matters referred to in this video are of a general nature only and are based on MZ Insurance Services Pty Ltd interpretation of laws existing at the time and should not be relied upon in place of appropriate professional advice. Those laws may change from time to time.



👉大礼包2-澳房策Master Class投资课(价值$880)


👉澳房策直播公开课 《选好投资房开启创富之路》
👉价值$880直播课程, 现在免费注册! 参加立即解锁大礼包!

👉初级: 澳房策速通课,
👉中级: 澳房策小白课,
👉高级: 澳房策大师课,

👉前期服务:投资人需求定位, 财务分析, 财务规划, 税务规划, 贷款结构设立, 15年投资策略制定;
👉中期服务:全澳搜索房源, 实地考察, 现金流分析, 匹配财务结构,购房贷款法务协助;
👉后期服务:房产投资组合重审, 长短租管理, 报税, 二手房出售;

✅ 联系方式
👉客服微信号aofangcekefu (澳房策客服全拼)
👉微信公众号aofangce (澳房策全拼)
👉小红书”Alex老师澳房策”, “澳房策”,
👉悉尼(总部), 墨尔本, 布里斯班, 珀斯办公室,

✅ 加入澳房策,
👉职位空缺, Property Investment Strategist房产投资策略师
👉职位空缺, Data Analyst 量化分析师 (数学建模/量化分析)
👉职位空缺, Media Operation (媒体运营)
👉职位空缺, Video Editor (影视后期)


👉艾财说, 财商经济,
👉旅艾, 旅行摄影Vlog,


Disclaimer: Aofangce website and its publication contain information about property investment and or the property itself. The information is acquired from trusted sources and is not advice, and should not be treated as such. You must not rely on the information on the website and or in the publication as an alternative to legal, financial, taxation, and accountancy advice from an appropriately qualified professional. If you have any specific questions about any legal, financial, taxation, and accountancy matter you should consult an appropriately qualified professional. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, we exclude all representations, warranties, undertakings, and guarantees relating to the content on the website and in the publication. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing paragraph, we do not represent, warrant, undertake or guarantee: that the information on the website and or in the publication is correct, accurate, complete, or non-misleading; that the use of the guidance on the website and or in the publication will lead to any particular outcome or result; or in particular, that by using the information on the website and or the guidance in the publication you will receive investment return. The content is not designed to promote any financial product or influence anyone to make a financial investment decision accordingly. DO NOT buy, sell or not to buy, sell any Australian financial product or service that needs an AFSL, just because somehow you are influenced by our content.
