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What makes Point Break such an amazing action movie? Let’s ~unpack~.
James Cameron interview:
Be Kind Rewind's video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxCV_OJxJtE&t=26s&ab_channel=BeKindRewind
Thumbnail by Nick Woodcock
Susan Jeffords. Hard Bodies: Hollywood Masculinity in the Reagan Era (1994) Rutgers University Press
Christina Lane. Feminist Hollywood: From Born in Flames to Point Break, Wayne State University Press, Detroit (2000).
Martha M. Lauzen. Kathryn Bigelow: On Her Own in No-(Wo)Man’s-Land, Camera Obscura (2011) 26 (78): 146–153.
Alicia Malone. The Female Gaze: Essential Movies Made by Women, Mango Publishing Group (2018).
Willa Paskin. “What Kathryn Bigelow Learned From Rembrandt” Slant (2010).
“REALITY BYTES: Andrew Hultkrans in a 1995 conversation with Kathryn Bigelow” Artforum (2010).
Yvonne Tasker. Spectacular Bodies : Gender, Genre and the Action Cinema (1993) Taylor & Francis Group.
April Wolfe. “Revisiting Hours: ‘Point Break’ Is the Greatest Female-Gaze Action Movie Ever” Rolling Stone (2018).
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