At the King’s Guard post today, police had to step in after stubborn tourists repeatedly ignored warnings to stay behind the bollards!
Visitors at Horse Guards Parade often get too close to the Queen’s Life Guard, unaware (or sometimes ignoring) the strict rules in place. While the guards are known for their discipline and unwavering stance, they are not to be interfered with. Today, despite clear signs and multiple warnings, some tourists refused to back away—forcing police officers to intervene and restore order.
This isn’t the first time tourists have tested the patience of the King’s Guard, but it’s a reminder that these soldiers are not just for show—they are part of an active military unit. Whether it’s people getting too close for photos or ignoring the safety barriers, incidents like these highlight the ongoing challenges faced by the guards and police alike.
Watch as the officers take charge, ensuring that the historical traditions of the King’s Guard remain respected. What do you think about this situation? Should there be stricter enforcement to keep tourists in line? Let us know in the comments!
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