I could not help myself on this one, I just had to pick on the Rooster given the opportunity was there for me to take. I could not let the police presence at a bee removal go unspoken even though the officer was a beekeeper himself as well as a follower of my bee wrangling adventures. As it turned out, he and I were the only ones to get stung that day.
The queen was a real beauty for sure, and her daughters were very gentle, a great colony for a first time beekeeper, and even though there was no brood in the hive, it was an understandable situation given the time of year. Once our first nectar/pollen flow begins in mid January, the red maples and willows, this queen will begin laying and the hive exploding. The only issue Tammy is going to have to concern herself with is splitting the hive before it swarms on her.
I really missed Wreck it Ralph's presence on this one, especially since we were in his own back yard, but Good Time Charlie took up the slack and provided great video footage of the removal. I did get an update on these bees, and after one month since the removal, they are doing very well. Thanks for watching, and Happy New Year to all. God's peace. Mr. Ed