In this video we break in our new 10 inch vibrating flat lap from Covington Engineering by polishing our 15 lb chunk of petrified wood. This was a lot of fun and we learned a lot during this process. If you ever think about purchasing one of these machines I hope you can reference this video to help you through by learning from our mistakes!! The video is a bit longer than usual so I have broken it out into sections so you can navigate through it better (see below). THANKS FOR WATCHING!!
Recipe used for this project:
Stage 1 Coarse - 2.0 TBSP of 46/70 Silicon Carbide grit with 2.0 TBSP of water. Ran for 28 hours. This is abnormally long due to the rock type, excessive uneven saw marks and surface cavities. Normally should only take 6-10 hours.
Stage 2 Medium Coarse - 2.0 TBSP of 120/220 Silicon Carbide grit with 2.0 TBSP of water. Ran for 9 hours.
Stage 3 Medium - 2.0 TBSP of 500 Aluminum Oxide grit with 2.0 TBSP of water. Ran for 8 hours.
Stage 4 Pre-Polish - 2.0 TBSP of 1200 Aluminum Oxide grit with 2.0 TBSP of water. Ran for 9 hours.
Stage 5 Polish - 1.0 TBSP of Micro Alumina Powder "A" polish with 2.0 TBSP of water. Ran for 8 hours.
Total process took approximately 62 hours over a two week period. As I continue to refine the process my goal will be to cut this time in half and be able to polish a rock in a few days.
0:00 Intro
1:50 Stage 1 Coarse 46/70 grit
14:23 Stage 2 Medium Coarse 120/220 grit
21:08 Stage 3 Medium 500 grit
25:19 Stage 4 Pre-Polish 1200 grit
30:58 Stage 5 Polish Micro Alumina Powder "A"
35:40 Results & Thoughts!
* P L E A S E S U P P O R T O U R C H A N N E L *
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@Marlaina Atkins
@Montana Rock Mom
@Gravel Bar Hopper
@Michigan Rocks
@KatyDid ROCKS!
@Currently Rockhounding
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@Agate Angler
@Agate Dad
* M U S I C A L C R E D I T S * (in order of appearance)
Musician - Cheel
Song - Blue Dream
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