This video features a wonderful leaf design using polymer clay and eggshell. I once again take out those wonderful Autumn Keoker polymer clay cutters and let the leaves fly!! However, this time I also offer up a PDF of the drawn design I created and offer it up to each of you to use in creating this wonderful eggshell design!!Yes!! …another great way to use these Keoker Cutters in an eggshell design other than creating just creating another set of jewelry from them!! So, please, I hope you will take a moment and CHECK THIS OUT!! I also hope you will RING THE BELL!! If you have already subscribed, but still didn’t ring the bell…Please, Do so! This way you will not miss out on any of my new videos, and you’ll be able to be one of the first who can make comments below on them! 00:00 Tutorial Title and Materials 00:11 Creating the Base & Band/Strip around the eggshell… 07:21 Decorating the band around the eggshell… 15:01 Creating the Topper to the eggshell design… 22:48 Adding in the little details & Finishing up… 26:59 End Results Check me out on my website and other places: Tools & Materials used in this video: FALL BREEZE & AUTUMN LEAVES ARTWORK PDF: KEOKER AUTUMN CLAY CUTTERS: SCULPEY CLAY GUN SOLUTION VIDEO LINK: TRANSFER TECHNIQUE VIDEO LINK: A Smooth Tile Surface A Firm Tissue Blade Pasta Machine Needle Tool/Burnisher Superglue Keoker Autumn Clay Cutters One drained chicken eggshell Pointed Backed Rhinestones Clear Rhinestone Chain Sculpey Clay Gun (Modified) Ateco Oval Cutters Polymer clays: Gold/Brown, White & Black Green/Wasabi & Purple Stack Magenta to Yellow Skinner blend Translucent Liquid Clay White Posca .7mm paint marker Detailed 10/0 Paintbrush Black Matte Acrylic Paint FolkArt Metallic Paints: Copper & Bronze Metal Copyright 2024 by Laura J Schiller