దానిమ్మ మొదటి నెలలో స్ప్రే చేయాల్సిన మందులు | Pomegranate First Month Spray Shedule Ambia Bahaar
Pomegranate Spray Shedule For 40 days
After First water 3rd day : Spray "copper oxycooride "3 gram+ "cloripyriphos+ cypermethrin"1 ml + sprader per liiter
After 10 days. When first flesh starts : Thiophenatemethyl 70% 1.25 gram+ imidacloprid 70% 0.3gram + Sprader
2nd Spray after 7 days : Nativo 0.6 gram + Spinetoram12% 1ml+ sprader
3rd spray after days : Propiconazole 25% 1 ml + Propineb 2.5 gram +spinosad 45% 0.5ml + Sprader
4th Spray after 5 days : Ortho salisilic acid 2.5 ml. Per liter only don't mixi any other fungicide or insecticide Spray single only( dont mix sprader)
5th Spray after 7 days : Gibberellic acid 0.01 % 5 ml +Boron 1.5 gram+ carbendizam 1 gram+ Sprader
After 10 days
6th Spray after 5 days : Repeat Gibberellic acid 0.01 % 5ml+ Sprader ( This will encourage female flower percentage and quality of flowers and also increase the clorophil content in leaves dark green colour )
After all doing this if flowering not started properly , you need to take a spray with Ethereal 35 ml for 200 liters water
In Case shoots coming more and more then Spray Lihocin 2ml + propiconazole 1 ml + sprader ( this will supress growth and encourage flowering) "Dont give access water"
NOTE : Sprader will come in different companies annd different concentrations, so the dose will be decided by. By company recommendation ( Generally all the silicon spraders dose are 0.25 ml to 0.5 ml per liter depending on concentration)
Yours Anwar...