UF/IFAS experts are ready to report their findings from a new research project on the effects of native plantings in stormwater ponds on water quality and on how people perceive these plantings.
Learn from the following UF/IFAS experts about how your pond can benefit all of Florida:
Dr. Basil Iannone, UF/IFAS Associate Professor for Residential Landscape Ecology
Michelle Atkinson, UF/IFAs Extension Manatee County Environmental Horticulture Agent
Paul Monaghan, UF/IFAS Associate Professor in Agriculture Education and Communication
You can find the resources mentioned in this presentation here: https://uflorida.sharepoint.com/:w:/t/ManateeCountyStormwaterPonds/EW1_yIOBXRtLjonCh02qgKYBUrKRGdC_rCYC0nSfYIu2dg?e=mteIno