speed prison get the mod:https://www.moddb.com/mods/portal-2-google-translate-edition1/downloads/portal-2-gte-beta Thanks to our Patrons: ❤OzzieGerff ❤Mr Scruffles ❤MePenguini ❤HervyDaWulfy ❤Em ❤Tv12 ❤Josiah Horton ❤Big C Company ❤Argle of Bargleton ❤takovreldai ❤_segfault ❤Sophia Sands ❤Mickey Ruland ❤Mir3JonCZ ❤Emmetalbenny ❤Vinty (Viia) ❤Howey Roll ❤Mikantsumikiwi ❤DAmesto ❤Dankestly TV ❤millkfriendd ❤alphabet in correct order ❤Bumper ❤Rosie Leaverton ❤decimesh ❤Loggers ❤LegoFan94 ❤BinkusTheTrinkus ❤BuddyTheFoolish ❤Denver Beek ❤2xsaiko ❤AerisBell ❤Relivo Otlaa ❤CydroFoX ❤TsarFromAfar ❤ColorBirb ❤Selbi ❤combine darcy wu ❤Ja'Keel Jyba ❤AstroTom ❤137 ❤Literally Just Hoog ❤Firstaid223 ❤Shadedsun ❤MasterGracey999 ❤Relivo Otlaa ❤Mickey Ruland ❤NotFuwa ❤SuperSonic2480 ❤Admiral Chicken ❤Anno ❤Absentia Our patreon: https://www.patreon.com/deadwatergaming OR Make a one-time donation of any amount to support us: https://ko-fi.com/deadwatergaming Send us your fanart on Twitter https://twitter.com/DeadwaterMedia or email it to us: [email protected] Buy our merch! https://deadwater-gaming.creator-spring.com/ Contact us: Blog: http://deadwatergaming.blogspot.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/DeadwaterMedia In this video we play Portal 2 But The Entire Game is Google Translated which is a mod in the series made by BinkusTheTrinkus along with Opposing Force But the Entire Game is Google Translated, Half-Life But the Entire Game is Google Translated, and many others. Some consider it similar to If Half-Life was Written by a Bot and If Portal 2 was Written by a Bot. Jesus loves you