TRIGGER WARNING: Please read all triggers in the title, and esp know there is a loud crash in this one. This is NOT an example of a healthy relationship - it is just a story. Please never treat anyone this way or accept this kind of treatment. 🤍
TW: Please read all triggers in the title. All characters are above 18 yrs old and consenting to the story.
To set the scene: You are home with your girlfriend. Your cousin Kaitlyn is in town and wants to get together but you left your phone in the other room. Your girlfriend just brought it in to you. She clearly looked through it.
Also, I recorded this at a house / dog sit in the only room that worked for my setup but it was super echo-y in there, sorry for the echoes!
🙃 Preview the NSFW versions on Patreon here:
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Please don't feel any pressure to donate! I am having *so* much fun making these, and knowing anyone is enjoying them is honestly all I need.
Legal note: If you are reading this on any other site aside from my Patreon, Youtube, or podcasting pages, this audio has been stolen and posted by criminals. It is likely a very unsafe site, so please be careful out there.
*🤍A Bit About Me🤍*
I've wanted to make these for so long but felt a bit shy. But I realized though, that I should face my fears and do it, because I love the idea of my voice lending comfort to really great people out there. I am a big listener of ASMR and love the idea of contributing to the community 🤍
Thanks for listening!! 🤍